President outlines plan to combat lack of checks and balances in government.

President outlines plan to combat lack of checks and balances in government

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Russel Morgan’s Insights on Presidential Proposals for Judicial Reform

Presidential Plans for Judicial Reform

First and foremost, the president is laying out a plan to address the unilateral power within the executive branch and combat the lack of checks and balances in the judicial branch. Essentially, they are trying to limit decisions like the recent ones from the Supreme Court. President Biden stated that the United States has no kings and no one is above the law. He also aims to address the lack of checks and balances and the absence of a governing code of conduct for the Supreme Court. This is a very large undertaking, and, as the White House has put it, it is the beginning of a conversation.

Feasibility of the Proposed Changes

Russel, you know there have been changes to the Supreme Court in years past, such as the number of justices on the bench, but this kind of reform hasn’t been done before. How likely is it that something like this could take hold? Having a plan is one thing, but being able to execute it is another. How likely is it that this could be executed?

Like anything else, dealing with such a massive change will require bipartisan support. Today, this is the fundamental element of what President Biden has laid out. Like most bills that pass through the House and Senate, they will likely change in substance and look a bit different, if not substantially different, if and when they make it to the other side as a constitutional amendment.

Justification for 18-Year Terms

Russel, real quick, what’s the justification for the 18-year terms? Where does that number even come from?

They are trying to implement limits on the terms that justices can serve. The 18-year term is seen as more predictable and less arbitrary. As mentioned in the president’s Washington Post op-ed, it’s a starting point. The reason they chose 18 years is to allow each sitting president to appoint two justices every two years, thus maintaining a balance in the Supreme Court.

Republican Criticism and Legislative Process

Russel, we’ve already heard some criticism from Republicans on President Biden’s proposal. House Speaker Mike Johnson said the administration is making this move because Democrats disagree with some of the court’s recent decisions. So where do the president’s proposals go from here, considering our deeply divided Congress? Talk us through this process and how these proposed changes could ultimately be carried out, and how long it could take.

Well, the proposal will first pass through the House of Representatives, where they can start adding earmarks to it. If it makes it through the House, it then goes to the Senate. These major constitutional amendments can substantially change while they are in the House as a bill. If they do make it past the House, additional earmarks can be added in the Senate. If it passes both chambers, it becomes a new law, resulting in colossal and fundamental changes to existing legislation that does not currently address these issues.

According to the U.S. Consumer Legal Needs Survey, 45% of respondents who hired an attorney used online resources to make their decision in 2023, compared to only 9% back in 2013. With this in mind, Russel Morgan, the CEO and founder of Morgan Legal Group, has made it a mission to share content through social media, TV appearances, and online articles to help people better understand the legal process and make informed decisions. Russel speaks on a wide array of legal topics, including estate planning, complex real estate transactions, divorce, criminal cases, and more. Empowering consumers through education has become a passion for this leader in law.

Empowering Through Education

Beyond education, Russel is dedicated to creating individualized partnerships with his clients, maintaining dignity, and affording diverse representation. His firm provides services tailored to the individual, offering commercial and contract litigation, trust and estate planning, business and personal asset protection, wealth preservation, and dynasty succession planning. They recently expanded, opening an office in Florida and planning to continue building on that momentum by opening offices coast to coast as well as several locales internationally.

Coming from humble beginnings as the son of immigrants, Russel feels a personal connection to those who lack financial resources or access to knowledge that might be necessary to arm oneself against certain legal concerns. “I have a duty to make that same access available free of charge to those who may not have the means or know-how to pay for our services,” he says. “I understand the helplessness people feel when they have a serious legal problem and nowhere to turn.” This empathy, deeply embedded in the core of Russel’s practice, has guided him in his career.

Individualized Approach

In all of Morgan Legal Group’s specializations, Russel emphasizes an individualized approach tailored directly to each client. He highlights that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to wealth preservation planning or any legal case for that matter. The firm understands that each case is different and requires specialized attention, handling each one with an approach that ensures consideration of the client’s goals.

One significant positive change Russel has noticed is that the legal industry is becoming more unified across the board. Most firms nowadays specialize in one or a few areas of law, which is a good thing as it allows firms to hone in on their strengths, but it also means access to information is sometimes restricted. Fortunately, this is shifting. “There is a major shift in access to knowledge because lawyers are uniting to help each other, whether it be offering sample documents or free legal advice,” Russel says. “This is a sharp contrast to a decade ago where it was more of an ‘everyone for themselves’ culture.” This professional environment is in line with Russel’s own beliefs.

Innovation and Advocacy

When it comes to making an impact in the industry, Morgan Legal Group is developing and pushing a new bill for digital executions of legal documents that currently require physical signatures. This would contribute to equity and accelerate processes across the board. While the technology to perform these digital executions exists and is used in many other industries, the law has not totally caught up. Russel hopes his firm’s work will help expedite the situation and improve the lives of others.

Persistence and Dedication

While the firm is staffed with knowledgeable, talented, and experienced lawyers, Russel feels strongly that skill is not the most important factor when it comes to building success. “Persistence and consistency beat talent every time,” Russel says. The work is hard at times, but providing peace of mind to clients who know their best interests are being prioritized is worth it. Morgan Legal Group is a trusted ally for those who are struggling to navigate real estate transactions, estate planning, and other complex legal matters. A beacon of legal expertise and truly compassionate care, all offered in a down-to-earth manner, Morgan Legal Group continues to flourish with Russel Morgan at the helm.

At Morgan Legal Group, we offer a wide range of services to meet the diverse needs of our clients:

  • Estate Planning
  • Probate
  • Guardianship
  • Elder Law
  • Wills and Trusts

Estate Planning

Effective estate planning ensures your assets are distributed according to your wishes, minimizing potential disputes among beneficiaries. Our attorneys provide personalized estate planning services to create a comprehensive plan that includes wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and healthcare directives.


The probate process can be complex and time-consuming. Our experienced probate attorneys guide executors and beneficiaries through the probate process, ensuring the decedent’s wishes are honored and the estate is administered efficiently.


Establishing guardianship is essential for protecting the well-being of minors and incapacitated adults. Our attorneys assist clients in establishing legal guardianship, ensuring the best interests of the ward are prioritized.

Elder Law

Elder law encompasses various legal issues affecting older adults, including long-term care planning, Medicaid planning, and protection against elder abuse. Our elder law attorneys provide compassionate and knowledgeable legal services to help seniors and their families navigate these challenges.

Wills and Trusts

Creating a will or trust is a critical component of estate planning. Our attorneys help clients draft wills and establish trusts that reflect their wishes and provide for their loved ones. We also assist in the administration and management of trusts to ensure they are executed properly.

Client Testimonials

“Russel Morgan and his team at Morgan Legal Group have been invaluable in helping me navigate the complexities of estate planning. Their expertise and personalized approach made the entire process much less stressful.” – Sarah K.

“The dedication and compassion shown by Russel and his team are truly remarkable. They took the time to understand my unique situation and provided the guidance I needed to protect my family’s future.” – Michael R.

If you are in need of legal assistance, contact Morgan Legal Group today. Our skilled attorneys are here to provide the expert legal representation you need to navigate the complexities of estate law and protect your interests. We look forward to partnering with you and providing the peace of mind that comes with knowing your legal matters are in capable hands.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this blog is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. The content of this blog may not reflect the most current legal developments. No attorney-client relationship is formed by reading this blog or contacting Morgan Legal Group.

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