New York City Living Wills Attorney

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What are Living Wills

A Living Will is a document that prepares you for the future while you’re still alive but only if you are around that age where you are close to dying. A Living Will also gives you the power to assign a power of attorney a Health Care Proxy and needs met once the Will is in processing. This will help you make sure you get the best service once it’s all on file and will feel comfortable now that you can make your own decisions with legal help. You don’t need a lawyer to write your own living Will but is crucial if you’re trying to avoid mistakes during the probate process.

Living Wills Attorney

Living will attorneys have the power to have any of his or her clients to dodge any possible fees the court can put upon you. A Living Will  attorney can even provide the requirements needed in the world that the person reading it does not even know about or have knowledge of. This will make the living will more valid when you giving it to court. Yes there are fees and hourly wages one hiring a LivingWell the attorney but you will have the services needed. The lawyer can also provide any additions you would like to add to the Will like any Changes that you would want to make. Like if you found a for example an additional investment or any stocks they have been bought in the past which can be an asset towards the family in the future. Overall it’s important to have the best well to prepare for the possible future and to avoid any friction from then on.


1. Is the process difficult?

It isn’t difficult if you have a lawyer who can show you the steps that are usually skipped by accident if you do it alone. Living Wills provided by lawyers can help you transfer any necessary assets that needs to be moved. With a Will lawyer you’re guaranteed your money’s worth and a successful case.

2.  Can any person create a living will?

Yes. Any 18 and over can fill out their own living Will.

3. Where Do I Keep My Will?

You should store the will in a safe but should be fireproof in case of a possible fire within the estate. You would have all the documents you need to save your money from this sort of incident. A safe deposit box should be avoided because your bank can limit access to the account after your death. At least one person you trust should know where your will is or file it but will be responsible as the representative unless announced in the will itself. Most important is that the will must be in an envelope.

4.  What if I executed a Power of Attorney in one state and then moved to another?

Your power of attorney may not have the knowledge according to the state you choose to move too and your living Will has been registered in wherever you’ve filed it. So all regulations are only valid in the state you filed. If you move, there will be different rules applied to you according to those estate laws.

5. Can I disinherit my spouse?

When it comes to inheritance laws, you’re unable to disinherit your belongings from your spouse. Even if you decide to strain your assets from your wife or husband on your Will, you’re still unable to do so because of common law and being a “surviving spouse.”

6. Can I make a handwritten will?

You can make handwritten Wills but some states have different procedures when it comes to this which makes the process itself more complicated. It’s best to get an official legal document from an estate attorney because it’s more organized, effective, and official.

7. Is my Will valid if I move to another state?

The final Will you decide to document or file is valid across all 50 states and if you ever do move an estate to another state, there’s only filing your new estate in the place your moving to with simple instructions provided. It’s a different questionnaire depending on the state you decide to move too.

8. Can an irrevocable trust be amended?

One thing you can do by is to remove assets you’ve written within the trust. You will still have the trust on file but it’ll be one that is empty. There’s also booking an appointment with the court through a trustee since he or she is responsible for making any adjustments as well in the trust even if it’s irrevocable. As long as there’s a good reason for the modification.

9. Can I collect unemployment if I go to school?

To receive unemployment you need to document that you’re looking for work and enrolled in school to receive some benefits.

10. How long do you have to work to collect unemployment in NY?

According to the official website, you need to be working for at least a month and in file at least $2,700 in wages.Your base period also needs to be higher than your quarter wages.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this blog is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. The content of this blog may not reflect the most current legal developments. No attorney-client relationship is formed by reading this blog or contacting Morgan Legal Group.

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