Legal Will in NYC

Legal will NYC

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At Morgan Legal Group, located in New York City, we specialize in estate planning, probate, guardianship, elder law, wills, and trusts. Creating a legal will is a fundamental step in ensuring that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and that your loved ones are provided for after your passing. This comprehensive guide will provide detailed information on the importance of a legal will, the process of creating one in New York City, and how our experienced attorneys can assist you.

A legal will, also known as a last will and testament, is a document that outlines how you want your assets to be distributed after your death. It allows you to name an executor to manage your estate, appoint a guardian for any minor children, and specify beneficiaries for your assets. Having a legal will ensures that your wishes are honored and can prevent disputes among family members.

Creating a legal will is essential for several reasons:

1. Control Over Asset Distribution

A will allows you to control how your assets are distributed, ensuring that they go to the people or organizations you choose. Without a will, your assets will be distributed according to New York State intestacy laws, which may not reflect your wishes.

2. Appointment of an Executor

In your will, you can name an executor who will be responsible for managing your estate, paying debts, and distributing assets to your beneficiaries. Choosing a trusted executor ensures that your estate is handled efficiently and according to your wishes.

3. Guardianship for Minor Children

If you have minor children, a will allows you to appoint a guardian to care for them in the event of your death. This ensures that your children are looked after by someone you trust.

4. Minimizing Family Disputes

A clear and legally binding will can help prevent disputes among family members by providing clear instructions for the distribution of your assets. This can help maintain family harmony and avoid costly legal battles.

5. Supporting Charitable Causes

You can include charitable bequests in your will, allowing you to support causes that are important to you. This ensures that your legacy benefits others and reflects your values.

The process of creating a legal will in New York City involves several steps. Working with an experienced attorney can help ensure that your will is comprehensive and legally valid:

1. Assess Your Assets

Begin by assessing your assets, including real estate, investments, retirement accounts, and personal property. This will help you determine the value of your estate and identify the assets you want to include in your will.

2. Define Your Beneficiaries

Decide who you want to inherit your assets. This includes family members, friends, and charitable organizations. Consider the needs and circumstances of your beneficiaries when making these decisions.

3. Choose an Executor

Select a trusted individual or institution to serve as the executor of your estate. The executor will be responsible for managing your estate, paying debts, and distributing assets according to your will.

4. Appoint a Guardian

If you have minor children, appoint a guardian who will be responsible for their care in the event of your death. Choose someone you trust and who is capable of taking on this responsibility.

5. Draft the Will

Work with an experienced estate planning attorney to draft your will. Ensure that it complies with New York State law and accurately reflects your wishes. Your attorney can help you include all necessary provisions and avoid common pitfalls.

6. Sign the Will

In New York, a will must be signed by the testator (the person creating the will) in the presence of at least two witnesses. The witnesses must also sign the will, acknowledging that they observed the testator sign it. Your attorney can help ensure that the signing process is properly executed.

7. Store the Will Safely

Once your will is signed, store it in a safe and accessible place. Inform your executor and other trusted individuals of its location so that it can be easily found when needed.

Updating Your Will

It is important to review and update your will regularly, especially after major life events such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, or the acquisition of new assets. Regular updates ensure that your will continues to reflect your current wishes and circumstances.

At Morgan Legal Group, we have extensive experience in estate planning and are committed to providing compassionate and professional legal services. Here’s how we can assist you:

We offer personalized legal advice tailored to your unique situation and goals. Our attorneys will help you understand the legal requirements for creating a will and guide you through the process.

Drafting and Reviewing Wills

Our attorneys can draft and review your will to ensure it complies with New York State law and accurately reflects your wishes. We will work with you to include all necessary provisions and avoid common pitfalls.

Comprehensive Estate Planning Services

We offer a full range of estate planning services, including creating wills, establishing trusts, and providing ongoing support to help you manage and update your estate plan as needed.


Creating a legal will is a crucial step in ensuring that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and that your loved ones are provided for after your passing. At Morgan Legal Group, we are dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of estate planning and providing the best possible legal services. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with an experienced estate planning attorney and ensure that your legal will meets your needs in New York City.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I die without a will in New York?

If you die without a will in New York, your assets will be distributed according to the state’s intestacy laws. This means that your property will be divided among your surviving relatives based on a predetermined formula, which may not reflect your wishes.

Can I change my will after it has been signed?

Yes, you can change your will at any time by creating a new will or adding a codicil (an amendment) to your existing will. It is important to follow the same legal formalities as the original will to ensure that the changes are valid.

What is the role of an executor in a will?

The executor is responsible for managing your estate after your death. This includes paying debts, filing taxes, and distributing assets to your beneficiaries according to the terms of your will.

Do I need a lawyer to create a will?

While it is not legally required to have a lawyer create your will, working with an experienced estate planning attorney can help ensure that your will is comprehensive, legally valid, and accurately reflects your wishes.

How often should I update my will?

You should review and update your will regularly, especially after major life events such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, or the acquisition of new assets. Regular updates ensure that your will continues to reflect your current wishes and circumstances.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this blog is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. The content of this blog may not reflect the most current legal developments. No attorney-client relationship is formed by reading this blog or contacting Morgan Legal Group.

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